| | March 7 | The Commission has completed programming that will allow an Employer to designate an individual to receive a copy of the C-30 when an initial claim is filed. Only those claims filed under the identical employer name listed on the form will be affected by this change. The new form, "Request for Employer Designee to Receive Notice of Employee Claims: H23R" is available
the Forms Section of the web page and can be used effective March 11, 2002. For questions, please contact the WCC Verification Section at 410-864-5351. | March 7
| Hearings scheduled for Annapolis on March 20, 2002 have been moved from the 'Bid' Room in the Board of Education Building to the Chesapeake Room, Room #216 in the Heritage Office Complex, 2660 Riva Road (next to the Board of Education). Questions on this subject may be directed to Ms. Marian Block @ (410) 864-5300 or via email: [email protected]. | March 6 | Medical Fee Guide Revision Committee web page is available:
CLICK HERE Chairman Thomas Patrick O'Reilly established the Medical Fee Guide Revision Committee to review the methodology that the Commission utilizes to regularly review physician fees. The Committee is charged with the responsibility of recommending to the Commission a method for both developing and regularly updating a multiplier to be used with the CPT codes. The Committee is also charged with the responsibility of recommending to the Commission the best approach for publishing, distributing and updating the fee guide on an annual basis. Committee members equally represent both the payers and receivers of health care services. |