| | February 27 | Medical Fee Guide (Reminder) ' The Commission took final action on October 2, 2001 on the emergency regulations that became effective August 31, 2001. The final action taken by the Commission confirmed the earlier actions and thereby increased rates in the Fee Guide by 4%, effective August 31, 2001. Therefore, any services rendered after August 31, 2002 must include the 4% increase. Any questions may be directed to the Commission at 410-864-5300. CLICK HERE FOR THE COMAR ONLINE VERSION . Please also note: the Maryland Register Online only keeps the six most current publications posted. | February 19 | The Workers' Compensation Commission has recently installed video equipment (a VHS format VCR and monitor) in each of the Baltimore City courtrooms for our customers' convenience. Those individuals planning to utilize the equipment in the course of their presentation should arrive before the hearings begin. Please allow ample time to become familiar with the operation of the Commission's equipment. Use of this equipment is encouraged and your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Any questions concerning the use of this equipment or technical requirements may be referred to Cherry Butcher, Public Service Supervisor at 410-864-5212. | February 19 | Hearings scheduled for Annapolis on March 20, 2002 have been moved to the "Bid Room" located on the same floor of the Board of Education (same) Building. Security personnel have been notified and will direct all visitors to the appropriate room. Questions on this subject may be directed to Ms. Marian Block @ (410) 864-5300 or via email: [email protected] | February 6 | On January 29, 2002, T. Eloise Foster, Secretary of Budget and Management, announced the launch of MARYLAND.GOV, the new statewide Internet Portal. The Portal (www.maryland.gov) offers Maryland citizens and others centralized and universal access to public-sector information and online services. Information on www.MARYLAND.GOV is organized by topic, allowing fast, efficient access to everything users might want to know about Maryland. |