The Commission and Maryland State offices are closed Monday, May 29, 2006 in observance of Memorial Day. The Commission will open for business at 8 a.m. on Tuesday May 30, 2006. |
May 26 | The MD WCC Medical Fee Guide Supplemental Document (PDF) has been updated to define/exclude additional CPT Codes identified as Ortho/Neuro utilizing the 144% multiplier for services on and after February 1, 2006. CLICK HERE for the MFG Info Page |
Final adoption of amendments to COMAR 14.09.03 Guide of Medical and Surgical Fees was taken at an open meeting on May 11, 2006. The regulations are effective June 5, 2006.
CLICK HERE for the Regulatory Changes Page |
May 19 | We have revised the Claimant Questionnaire and Employer Questionnaire for uninsured employer claims. These forms MUST be completed and submitted to the Commission and Uninsured Employers' Fund (UEF) before such claims can be in line (eligible) to be scheduled for a hearing. These forms are now posted to our
FORMS & INSTRUCTIONS page (link) and are effective immediately. The forms are not fillable in Adobe (Acrobat) Reader, they must be printed and typed or completed by hand (print, not cursive/longhand). |
May 15 | The Commission and Maryland State offices are closed Monday, May 29, 2006 in observance of Memorial Day. The Commission will open for business at 8 a.m. on Tuesday May 30, 2006. |
May 11 | The MD WCC Medical Fee Guide Supplemental Document (PDF) has been updated to include/exclude additional CPT Codes identified as Ortho/Neuro utilizing the 144% multiplier for services on and after February 1, 2006. (CLICK HERE) |
May 3 | The NCCI 2006 Maryland State Advisory Forum will be held at the Marriott Baltimore Inner Harbor at Camden Yards on Wednesday, June 14, from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon. A continental breakfast will be served at 8:30 a.m. For more information, visit the NCCI website: |