14.09.04.Legal Representation and Fees
Status Final - Effective
On March 9, 2023, the Workers’
Compensation Commission adopted
amendments to
Regulation .02, the repeal
of existing Regulation .03, and
new Regulation .03 under COMAR
14.09.04 Legal Representation
and Fees. This action, which was
proposed for adoption in 50:1
Md. R. 30—32 (January 13, 2023),
has been adopted and is
effective April 3, 2023

Final Effective 10/18/2021
The OFFICIAL version of WCC
regulations may be obtained from
Maryland Division of State
Documents, COMAR Online.
(1) Amend Regulations
.01—.04, .08, and .09 under
COMAR 14.09.01 General
Administrative; (2) Amend
Regulations .01—.04, .06, and
.07 and adopt new Regulation .08
under COMAR 14.09.02
Requirements for Filing and
Amending Claims; (3) Amend
Regulations .02—.05, .07—.09,
and .11—.14, repeal existing
Regulation .15, and adopt new
Regulations .15 and .16 under
COMAR 14.09.03 Hearing
Procedures; (4) Amend
Regulations .01—.03 under COMAR
14.09.04 Legal Representation
and Fees; (5) Amend
Regulations .01, .03, and .07
under COMAR 14.09.05 Uninsured
Employers' Fund Claims; (6)
Amend Regulation .04 under COMAR
14.09.06 Payment of Awards and
Assessments and Termination of
Benefits; (7) Amend
Regulations .02 and .07 under
COMAR 14.09.07 Vocational
Rehabilitation; (8) Amend
Regulations .02 and .04 under
COMAR 14.09.09 Guide for
Evaluation of Permanent
Disability; (9) Amend
Regulation .02 under COMAR
14.09.10 Settlements and Lump
Sum Payments; (10) Amend
Regulations .02—.04 under COMAR
14.09.11 Judicial Review
Procedures; (11) Amend
Regulations .02, .03, and .07
and adopt new Regulation .08
under COMAR 14.09.12
Responsibilities of Insurers;
(12) Amend Regulations .01, .02,
.08, and .12 under COMAR
14.09.13 Individual Employer
Self-Insurer; (13) Amend
Regulations .01-1 and .03 under
COMAR 14.09.14 Governmental
Group Self-Insurance; (14)
Amend Regulation .01 under COMAR
14.09.15 Open Meetings; (15)
Amend Regulations .03, .07—.09,
.13, and .15, repeal existing
Regulation .11, and adopt new
Regulations .11 and .17 under
COMAR 14.09.16 Public
Information Act Requests; and
(16) Amend Regulation .03 under
COMAR 14.09.17 Emergency Powers
of Chairman of the Commission.
14.09.01. - Definitions .01
Status Final |
14.09.01. - Forms and Documents
.02 Status Final |
14.09.01. - Filing Forms and
Documents with the Commission
.04 Status Final |
14.09.01. - CompHub Conditions
of Use .09 Status Final |
14.09.02. - Requirements for
Filing and Amending Claims
.02 Status Final |
14.09.04. - Legal Representation
.01 Status Final |
14.09.04 – Legal Representation
and Fees .03 Status: Final
– Effective 10/7/2019 |
This action clarifies the
awarding of attorney fees when a
last award of compensation for
permanent partial disability is
increased under COMAR
14.09.17 – Emergency
Powers of Chairman of the
Commission Status: Final -
Effectve 7/16/20
Applies to situations in
which the Governor has declared
an emergency pursuant to Public
Safety Article, Title 14,
Annotated Code of Maryland, and
the emergency or directives
issued by the Governor pursuant
to the emergency significantly
affect access to or the
operations of one or more
Commission hearing locations or
other Commission facilities or
the ability of the Commission to
operate effectively.
14.09.08 – Guide of Medical and
Surgical Fees (Definitions) .01
Status: Final – Effective
2/24/20 |
The Workers’ Compensation
Commission is updating outdated
code references. |
14.09.08 – Guide of Medical and
Surgical Fees Fees
(Incorporation by Reference) .02
Status: Final – Effective
2/24/20 |
The Workers’ Compensation
Commission is emphasizing that
in the case of a discrepancy,
rates for hospital services set
by the Health Services Cost
Review Commission will prevail
over those set by the Workers’
Compensation Commission. |
14.09.12 – Responsibilities of
Insurers – Notices of Insurance,
Cancellation (Reinstatement and
Election of Coverage) .02
Status: Final – Effective
2/24/20 |
The Workers’ Compensation
Commission eliminates the
requirement that notices of
cancellation contain certain
information. |
14.09.13 - Individual Employer
Self-Insurer (Excess Insurance) .07
Status: Final – Effective
2/10/20 |
Authorizes the Commission to
require more complete
documentation of insurance risks
for applicants for
14.09.11 - Petition for Judicial
Review .01 Status: Final
Effective: 7/15/19 |
The Workers’ Compensation
Commission clarified this
regulation to require judicial
review in accordance with
Maryland Rule 7-206.1(b).
14.09.02 – Requirements for
Filing and Amending Claims
.04 Status: Final
Effective: 4/8/19 |
The Workers’ Compensation
Commission deleted the
requirement for a notarized
certification of funeral
expenses under this regulation.
14.09.03 – Hearing Procedures
.02 Status: Final
Effective: 4/8/19 |
The Workers’ Compensation
Commission amended this
regulation to include vocational
rehabilitation issues not
requiring an expedited process
as an additional type of issue
which may be raised by filing an
Issues form. |
14.09.04 – Legal Representations
and Fees .03 Status: Final
Effective: 4/8/19 |
The Workers’ Compensation
Commission clarified the
awarding of attorney fees when a
last award of compensation for
permanent partial disability is
increased under this regulation.
14.09.13 Individual Employer
Self-Insurer .02, .04
Status: Final Effective
3/12/18 |
The Workers' Compensation
Commission proposes to amend
Regulations .02 and .04 under
COMAR 14.09.13 Individual
Employer Self-Insurer to clarify
what information is to be
provided to the Commission when
a self-insured voluntarily
withdraws from the
self-insurance program.
14.09.12 Responsibilities of
Insurers .02, .03 Status:
Final Effective 3/12/18 |
The Workers' Compensation
Commission proposes to amend
Regulations .02 and .03 under
COMAR 14.09.12 Responsibilities
of Insurers to clarify what is
meant by “competent individual”
and to correct an inadvertent
omission of the words “to
14.09.10 Settlements and Lump
Sum Payments .02 Status:
Final Effective 3/12/18 |
The Workers' Compensation
Commission proposes to amend
Regulation .02 under COMAR
14.09.10 Settlements and Lump
Sum Payments to clarify that
attorneys are required to file
the same consent form or
petition for attorney’s fees
under COMAR whether
the matter is resolved by award,
settlement, or stipulation.
14.09.08 Guide of Medical and
Surgical Fees .06 Status:
Final Effective 3/12/18 |
The Workers' Compensation
Commission proposes to amend
Regulation .06 under COMAR
14.09.08 Guide of Medical and
Surgical Fees to conform to
statutory changes enacted by Ch.
567 (H.B. 1484), Acts of 2017,
effective October 1, 2017.
14.09.07 Vocational
Rehabilitation Practitioners
.02, .07 Status: Final
Effective 3/12/18 |
The Workers' Compensation
Commission proposes to amend
Regulations .02 and .07 under
COMAR 14.09.07 Vocational
Rehabilitation Practitioners to
remove the obsolete requirement
that certain documents be
“delivered on” certain parties
in favor of the consistent usage
that the documents be “served
on” certain parties and to
permit payment to be made by
means other than check or money
order. |
14.09.04 Legal Representation
and Fees .01 — .03 Status:
Final Effective 3/12/18 |
The Workers' Compensation
Commission proposes to amend
Regulations .01 — .03 under
COMAR 14.09.04 Legal
Representation and Fees to
require attorneys to register
for the WFMS, to automate the
entry of appearance when filing
electronically, to require
filing a notice to withdraw an
attorney’s appearance, and to
clarify that attorneys are
required to file the same
consent form or petition for
attorney’s fees under
COMAR14.09.04.02 whether the
matter is resolved by award,
settlement, or stipulation.
COMAR 14.09.02
Requirements for Filing and
Amending Claims .04
Status: Final Effective
The Workers' Compensation
Commission proposes to amend
Regulation .04 under COMAR
14.09.02 Requirements for Filing
and Amending Claims to simplify
the electronic filing and
acceptance of claims, and to
remove the obsolete requirement
that service of papers be made
by mail.
14.09.02 Requirements for
Filing and Amending Claims .02,
.03 Status: Final
Effective 3/12/18 |
The Workers' Compensation
Commission proposes to amend
Regulations .02 and .03 under
COMAR 14.09.02 Requirements for
Filing and Amending Claims to
require that claims by
represented claimants be filed
electronically, to simplify the
electronic filing and acceptance
of claims, and to remove the
obsolete requirement that
service of papers be made by
14.09.01. General Administrative
01, .03, .04 Status: Final
Effective 3/12/18 |
The Workers' Compensation
Commission proposes to amend
Regulations .01, .03, and .04
under COMAR 14.09.01 General
Administrative to facilitate the
filing and service of forms and
documents by electronic means,
and to clarify that electronic
signatures are permitted.
14.09.12 Responsibilities of
Insurers .02 Status: Final
Effective Date: January 7, 2016 |
On December 10, 2015, the
Workers' Compensation Commission
adopted amendments to Regulation This action, which
was proposed for adoption in
42:21 Md. R. 1287-1336 (October
16, 2015), has been adopted as
14.09.01 General
Administrative .04
14.09.02 Requirements for
Filing and Amending Claims
.02 Status: Final
Effective Date: 12/10/15 |
On November 12, 2015, the
Workers' Compensation Commission
adopted amendments to
Regulations and This action, which
was proposed for adoption in
42:17 Md. R. 1149-1150 (August
21, 2015), has been adopted as
14.09.11 Judicial Review
Procedures .01 - .05
Status: Final
Effective Date: 8/3/15 |
On June 25, 2015, the Workers'
Compensation Commission took
final action and adopted
amendments to Regulations .01 -
.05 under COMAR 14.09.11
(Judicial Review Procedures) to
comply with new Md. Rule 7-206
and 7-206.1, and to update the
language to accord with Labor
and Employment Article, 9-742,
Annotated Code of Maryland. This
action, which was proposed for
adoption in
42:9 Md. R. 637-668
(May 1, 2015), has been
adopted has been adopted with
the following non-substantive
change: Regulation .03B '
Amended 'true test copy of the
circuit court order or verdict'
to read 'copy of the verdict or
signed order and memorandum, if
14.09.04 Legal Representation
and Fees .03 Schedule of
Attorney's Fees Status: Final
Effective Date: 7/20/15 |
On June 25, 2015, the Workers'
Compensation Commission took
final action and adopted
amendments to Regulation .03
under COMAR 14.09.04 Legal
Representation and Fees to
address an ambiguity in the
Schedule regarding fees for the
representation of the dependents
of deceased workers. This
action, which was proposed for
adoption in
42:7 Md. R. 553-594
(April 3, 2015), has been
adopted as proposed.
Maryland Rules of Procedure
Title 7 - Appellate and Other
Judicial Review in Circuit Court
Chapter 200 ' Judicial Review of
Administrative Agency Decisions |
Court of Appeals formally
adopted proposed changes to
judicial review rules for the
Workers' Compensation
Commission. The Rules Order,
dated March 2, 2015, is to take
effect and apply to all actions
commenced on or after July 1,
2015 and, insofar as
practicable, to all actions then
pending. The official order and
rules may be found on the Court
website at
Requirements for Filing and
Amending Claims 14.09.01
Procedural Regulations
Status: Final Authority:
Labor and Employment Article
9-309, 9-701, 9-709, 9-710 and
9-711, Annotated Code of
Maryland Effective
Date: August 4, 2014 |
On July 10, 2014, the Maryland
Workers' Compensation Commission
adopted the repeal of:
Regulations .11 - .17, .26, and
.27 under COMAR 14.09.01 General
and Administrative; and
Regulation .01-1 under COMAR
14.09.02 Requirements for Filing
and Amending Claims. This
action, which was proposed for
adoption in 41:9 Md. R. 532 (May
2, 2014) has been adopted as
14.09.01 [Procedural
General Administrative
Authority: Health-General
Article, 4-303; Labor and
Employment Article, 9-307,
9-309, 9-310.2, 9-314, 9-404,
9-405, 9-410, 9-603, 9-625,
9-635, 9-689, 9-701, 9-709,
9-710, 9-711, 9-721, 9-731,
9-739, and 9-6A-07; Insurance
Article, 19-405 and 19-406;
State Government Article,
10-1103; Annotated Code of
Maryland Effective
Date: March 3, 2014. |
On February 4, 2014,
the Maryland Workers'
Compensation Commission adopted
the following:
(1) Amended and
recodified existing Regulation
.01 under COMAR 14.09.01; (2)
Amended and recodified existing
Regulation .02 under COMAR
14.09.01; (3) Amended and
recodified existing Regulation
.03 under COMAR 14.09.01 to be
Regulation .10 under COMAR
14.09.01; (4) Amended and
recodified existing Regulation
.04 under COMAR 14.09.01 to be
Regulation .03 under COMAR
14.09.01; (5) Amended and
recodified existing Regulation
.31B under COMAR 14.09.01 to be
Regulation .04 under COMAR
14.09.01; (6) Amended and
recodified existing Regulation
.31A under COMAR 14.09.01 to be
Regulation .05 under COMAR
14.09.01; (7) Recodified
existing Regulation .29 under
COMAR 14.09.01 to be Regulation
.06 under COMAR 14.09.01; (8)
New Regulation .07 under COMAR
14.09.01; (9) Amended and
recodified existing Regulation
.30 under COMAR 14.09.01 to be
Regulation .08 under COMAR
14.09.01; and (10) New
Regulation .09 under COMAR
This action, which was
proposed for adoption in 40:24
Md. R. 2005-2052 (12/2/2013),
has been adopted as proposed.
14.09.04 Legal
Representation and Fees
14.09.01 Procedural Regulations
Effective Date:
March 3, 2014. |
On January 23, 2014,
the Workers' Compensation
Commission adopted COMAR
14.09.04 - Legal Representation
and Fees. This action, which
was proposed for adoption in
40:23 Md. R. 1965-1967 (November
15, 2013), has been adopted as
14.09.10 Settlements and Lump Sum Payments
14.09.01 Procedural Regulations
Authority: Labor and Employment
Article, 9-309, 9-701, and
9-722, Annotated Code of
Maryland Effective
Date: March 3, 2014. |
On January 23, 2014,
the Workers' Compensation
Commission adopted COMAR
14.09.10 Settlements and Lump
Sum Payments to clarify that a
copy of the settlement worksheet
must be submitted with the
settlement, clarify certain
requirements concerning
contingency language contained
in settlement agreements and
specify that foreign documents
shall comply with the
authentication requirements
specified in regulation. This
action, which was proposed for
adoption in 40:23 Md. R.
1964-1965 (November 15, 2013),
has been adopted as proposed.
Judicial Review Procedures
Status: Proposed
Authority: Labor and
Employment Article, 9-309,
9-701, 9-731(c) and (d), 9-737,
and 9-739, Annotated Code of
Maryland Effective
Date: March 3, 2014. |
On January 23, 2013,
the Workers' Compensation
Commission adopted new
regulations governing the
procedures prescribed for the
filing of a petition for
judicial review by a party to a
claim, the procedures for
obtaining a transcript of the
Commission proceedings, the
procedures for supplementing the
record on appeal, and the
procedures for notifying the
Commission of the disposition of
the case by the Circuit and
Appellate Courts. This action,
which was proposed for adoption
in 40:23 Md. R. 1975-1976
(November 15, 2013), has been
adopted as proposed.
Uninsured Employers' Fund Claims
14.09.07 Vocational
Rehabilitation Practitioners
Status: Final Authority:
Labor and Employment Article,
9-309, 9-6A-04, 9-6A-07, and
9-1002, Annotated Code of
Maryland Effective
Date: March 3, 2014. |
On January 23, 2014,
the Workers' Compensation
Commission adopted COMAR
14.09.05 Uninsured Employers'
Fund Claims which clarifies
certain forms to be filed and
certain procedures for seeking
payment from the Uninsured
Employers' Fund; and COMAR
14.09.07 Vocational
Rehabilitation Providers (recodified
without amendment). This
action, which was proposed for
adoption in 40:23 Md. R.
1973-1975 (November 15, 2013),
has been adopted as proposed.
14.09.04 Guide
for Evaluation of Permanent
Impairment 14.09.09 Guide for
Evaluation of Permanent
Disability Status: Final
Authority: Labor and Employment
Article, 9-309; 9-701, 9-721
and 9-731 Annotated Code of
Maryland Effective Date:
March 3, 2014. |
On January 23, 2014,
the Workers' Compensation
Commission adopted COMAR
14.09.09 - Guide for Evaluation
of Permanent Disability -
concerning permanent
disability. This action, which
was proposed for adoption in
40:23 Md. R. 1972-1973 (November
15, 2013), has been adopted as
Hearing Procedures Status:
Final Effective Date:
March 3, 2014. |
On January 23, 2014,
the Maryland Workers'
Compensation Commission adopted
new Regulations .01 - .15 under
COMAR 14.09.03. This action,
which was proposed for adoption
in 40:23 Md. R. 1901-2004
(November 15, 2013), has been
adopted with the nonsubstantive
changes below.
.02 Filing and Withdrawing
Issues. A. 'I. (proposed
text unchanged) J.
[[Prior to filing issues,
the filing party shall possess
relevant documentation to the
issues to be filed, including
medical documentation.K.]]
A party who fails to comply with
this regulation, or causes
unreasonable delay without good
cause, may be subject to an
assessment of costs and
reasonable attorney fees under
Labor and Employment Article,
9-734, Annotated Code of
.09 Hearing Exhibits and
Witnesses. A.'F.
(proposed text unchanged)
G. Expert Testimony.
(1)'(3) (proposed text
[[(4) If a
vocational rehabilitation
counselor is called as an expert
witness, the employer/insurer
shall be responsible for any
fees charged by the expert for
appearing and testifying.]]
Procedural Regulations
14.09.06 Payment of Awards and
Assessments and Termination of
Benefits. Status: Final
Effective Date:
March 3, 2014. |
On January 23, 2014,
the Maryland Workers'
Compensation Commission adopted
new Regulations .01 - .04 under
COMAR 14.09.06. This action,
which was proposed for adoption
in 40:23 Md. R. 1901-2004
(November 15, 2013), has been
adopted with the nonsubstantive
changes below.
.04 Termination of
Temporary Total Disability and
Medical Benefits.
A.'B. (proposed text
unchanged)C. Termination of
Medical Benefits. (1)
(proposed text unchanged) (2)
Written notice of the date that
medical benefits will be
terminated shall[[:
(a) Include the reasons for
terminating the medical
benefits; (b) I]]
include a statement
that the claimant has the right
to request a hearing before the
Commission on the issue of
termination. [[;
and (c) Be supported by a
medical record or report
attached to the notice]].
(3) (proposed text unchanged)
Requirements for Filing and
Amending Claims 14.09.01
Procedural Regulations
Status: Final Authority:
Labor and Employment Article
9-309, 9-701, 9-709, 9-710 and
9-711, Annotated Code of
Maryland Effective
Date: March 3, 2014. |
On January 23, 2014,
the Workers' Compensation
Commission adopted COMAR
14.09.02 Requirements for Filing
and Amending Claims. This
action, which was proposed for
adoption in 40:23 Md. R.
1901-2004 (November 15, 2013),
has been adopted as proposed.
Responsibilities of Insurers 14.09.01 Procedural Regulations
14.09.06 Local Office
Requirements of Insurers
Status: Final Authority:
Labor and Employment Article,
9-309, 9-404, 9-405, 9-409,
9-410, and 9-744; Insurance
Article, 19-406; Annotated Code
of Maryland
Effective Date: March 3,
2014. |
On January 23, 2014, the
Workers' Compensation Commission
adopted as COMAR 14.09.12
certain provisions of 14.09.06
(formerly Local Office
Requirements for Insurers) and
certain provisions of 14.09.01
(formerly Procedural
Regulations) so as to create a
chapter of thematically
organized regulations concerning
the responsibilities of
insurers. This action, which
was proposed for adoption in
40:23 Md. R. 1959-1960 (November
15, 2013), has been adopted as
14.09.01 Procedural Regulations
.07 Average Weekly Wage
Status: Final
Effective Date:
October 15, 2012 |
On September
13, 2012, the
amendments to
Regulation .07
under COMAR
Regulations to
establish a
clear procedure
and time line
for determining
the average
weekly wage.
This action,
which was
proposed for
adoption in
39:15 Md. R.
1007'1008 (July
27, 2012), has
been adopted as
14.09.01 Procedural Regulations .24 Attorney's Fee and Medical Evaluation Fee
- Application or Petition for Approval
Status: Final
Effective Date:
August 20, 2012 |
On July 19, 2012, the
Workers' Compensation Commission
adopted amendments to Regulation
.24 under COMAR 14.09.01
Procedural. This action, which
was proposed for adoption in
39:10 Md. R. 669'670 (May 18,
2012), has been adopted as
14.09.01 Procedural Regulations .20 Independent Medical Examinations
Status: Withdrawn |
The Workers' Compensation Commission withdraws the proposal to amend Regulation .20 under COMAR 14.09.01 Procedural Regulations as published in 39:9 Md. R. 621'622 (May 4, 2012).
14.09.06 Local Office Requirements for Insurers .05 Appeal
Status: Final
Effective Date: July 23, 2012 |
On June 28, 2012, the Workers'
Compensation Commission adopted amendments to
Regulation .05 under COMAR 14.09.06 Local Office
Requirements for Insurers to remove COMAR, which requires an appellant's
attorney to send a copy of a petition for
judicial review to the Attorney General
representing the Commission if the issue being
appealed is the award of attorney's fees. This
provision is being removed from this chapter so
that it may be transferred and recodified into a
more thematically appropriate chapter. This
action, which was proposed for adoption in 39:9
Md. R. 622 (May 4, 2012), has been adopted as
14.09.01 Procedural Regulations .19 Agreements for Final Compromise and Settlement
Status: Final Effective Date April 16, 2012 |
On March 22, 2012, the Maryland
Workers' Compensation Commission took final
action and adopted an amendment to Regulation
.19 under COMAR 14.09.01 Procedural
Regulations. This amendment requires that
certain additional information (date of
disablement) be included in a settlement
agreement so that the Commission may properly
evaluate the proposed settlement. This action,
which was proposed for adoption in 39:2 Md. R.
212-213 (January 27, 2012) has been adopted as
14.09.01 Procedural Regulations .06 Requirements for Filing and Amending Claims and .06-1 Death and Funeral Benefits.
Status: Final
Effective Date: March 19, 2012 |
On February 23, 2012, the
Maryland Workers' Compensation Commission took
final action and adopted amendments to
Regulation .06 and new Regulation .06-1 under
COMAR 14.09.01 Procedural Regulations to
implement the statutory changes made by the
General Assembly in Ch. 436, Acts of 2011. These
statutory changes, effective October 1, 2011,
concern the death benefits paid to surviving
dependents. The law also enables counties and
municipal governments to opt into the new death
benefits scheme. This action, which was proposed
for adoption in 38:27 Md. R. 1781'1782 (December
30, 2011), has been adopted as proposed.
14.09.03 Guide of Medical and
Surgical Fees
.03 Calculation of Maximum
Reimbursement Allowable.
Status: Final
Effective Date: March 5,
2012 |
On February 9, 2012, the
Maryland Workers' Compensation
Commission took final action to
adopt amendments to Regulation
.03 under COMAR 14.09.03 Guide
of Medical and Surgical Fees to
modify the medical fee schedule
to reflect the current practice
of calculating and publishing
the yearly Maryland specific
conversion factors by December 1
of each year so that insurers
may implement the new
reimbursement rates by January
1. This action, which was
proposed for adoption in 38:26
Md. R. 1735 (December 16, 2011),
has been adopted as proposed.
14.09.03 Guide of Medical and Surgical Fees .01 and .04, and
Regulation .09 |
Status: Withdrawn
The Maryland Workers'
Compensation Commission has
withdrawn its proposal to amend
Regulations .01 and .04 and
adopt new Regulation .09 under
COMAR 14.09.03 Guide of Medical
and Surgical Fees to establish a
uniform fee or pricing schedule
for reimbursing prescription
drugs required to treat an
injured covered employee
irrespective of the identity of
the person or entity that
dispenses the prescription drug,
as published in 38:24 Md. R.
1541 (November 18, 2011).
14.09.01 Procedural Regulations .01 and .19 under COMAR 14.09.01 Procedural Regulations
Status: Final Effective November 28, 2011 |
On October 27, 2011, the Maryland
Workers' Compensation Commission took final
action and adopted amendments to Regulation .01
and Regulation .19 under COMAR 14.09.01
Procedural Regulations to clarify the procedures
for reviewing settlements to ensure compliance
with the Medicare Secondary Payer Act when
settling claims involving future medical
benefits. This action, which was proposed
for adoption in 38:19 Md. R. 1167-1168
(September 9, 2011), has been adopted as
14.09.01 Procedural Regulations .05 Notices of Insurance, Cancellation, Reinstatement, and Election of Coverage
Status: Final Effective: May 16, 2011 |
On April 14, 2011, the Maryland
Workers' Compensation Commission took final
action and adopted amendments to Regulation .05
under COMAR 14.09.01 Procedural Regulations to
comply with the statutorily mandated notice
requirement set forth in Insurance Article,
19-406, Annotated Code of Maryland. This
action, which was proposed for adoption in 38:3
Md. R. 207 (January 28, 2011), has been adopted
as proposed.
14.09.01 Procedural Regulations .06 Requirements for Filing and Amending Claims
Status: Final Effective: March 21, 2011 |
On February 24, 2011, the Maryland
Workers' Compensation Commission took final
action and adopted amendments to Regulation .06
under COMAR 14.09.01 Procedural Regulations to
remove the employee's average weekly wage as a
mandatory element required to process a claim
for workers' compensation benefits. This
action, which was proposed for adoption in 38:1
Md. R. 58-59 (January 3, 2011), has been adopted
as proposed. |
14.09.02 Governmental Group Self-Insurance .01 Definitions
Status: Final Effective: March 7, 2011 |
On February 10, 2011, the Maryland
Workers' Compensation Commission took final
action and adopted the recodification of
existing Regulation .01 to be new .01-1, new
Regulations .01, .05, and .08-.11, and the
repeal of existing Regulations .05 and .08 under
COMAR 14.09.02 Government Group Self-Insurance.
This action, which was proposed for adoption in
37:25 Md. R. 1749-1752 (December 3, 2010), has
been adopted as proposed |
14.09.01 Procedural Regulations .25 Attorney's Fees |
Status: Final Effective Date: July 26, 2010 |
The purpose of this action is to clarify the amounts included when calculating attorney's fees and to specify the calculation of attorney's fees in claims where there is an increase in compensation resulting from an increase in permanent partial disability or settlement. |
14.09.05 Vocational Rehabilitation Practitioners Amended Regulations: .01 and .04 ' .07 New Regulations: .08 ' .12 |
Status: Final Effective Date: April 20, 2010 |
The purpose of this action is to define certain terms and to clarify the procedures for obtaining vocational rehabilitation services and the standards of practice for vocational rehabilitation practitioners. Click here to Instructions. |
COMAR 14.09.01 - Procedural Regulations
.25 Schedule of Attorneys' Fees |
Status: Final Effective Date: January 14, 2010. |
The purpose of this action is to codify the calculations utilized by the Commission in determining allowable attorney's fees in workers' compensation claims that are resolved by a settlement agreement. |
COMAR 14.09.05 - Vocational Rehabilitation Practitioners .06 Complaints Against Providers of Voc Rehab Services. |
Status: Final Effective Date: November 17, 2008
This action updates the address of the Commission for complaints against providers of voc rehab services. |