| March 31 | On February 9, 2006 the Workers' Compensation Commission proposed to Amend Regulation .27 ( Interpreters ) under COMAR 14.09.01 ( Procedural Regulations). This action was taken at a public meeting, notice of which was given by publication, pursuant to State Government Article 10-506, Annotated Code of Maryland. Final action on this proposal will be considered by the Commission at a public meeting to be held on May 25, 2006, at 9:00 a.m. at the Workers' Compensation Commission, 10 East Baltimore Street, 7th Floor, Baltimore, MD 21202.
CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS | The WCC Settlement word processor template has been updated/revised. Settlements including Set Aside provisions that have not been approved by CMS prior to the submission to the Commission of the Settlement Agreement must contain a provision for payment for causally related medical expenses until the Set Aside Agreement is approved by CMS.
(Link to Forms/Settlement) | March 24 | There will be no hearings scheduled on Monday, October 2, 2006 due to Yom Kippur. The Commission Meeting slated for October 12, 2006 is moved to October 2 and hearings will be set on the previously scheduled Commission Meeting day, October 12, 2006. This change has been noted on the Commission Meetings Schedule posted as PDF on our
SCHEDULES page (link). | March 17 | On January 26, 2006 the Workers' Compensation Commission proposed to Amend Regulation .01 (Incorporation By Reference) under COMAR 14.09.03 (Guide to Medical and Surgical Fees). This action was taken at a public meeting, notice of which was given by publication, pursuant to State Government Article 10-506, Annotated Code of Maryland. Comments will be accepted March 18, 2006 through April 17, 2006. Final action on this proposal will be considered by the Commission at a public meeting to be held May 11, 2006, at 9:00 a.m. at the Workers' Compensation Commission, 10 East Baltimore Street, 4th Floor, MD 21202.
CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS | The WCC Medical Fee Guide Supplemental Document (PDF) posted to the MFG Info page has been updated to more better define those procedures identified as Orthopedic/Neurosurgical by CPT Code (range).
CLICK HERE FOR THE MFG Info page. | March 14 | Notice: WCC Employee Claim Form C-1 WebForms: Please read and follow the instructions for utilizing the C-1 online WebForm. Failure to follow the instructions will result in the form returning to the sender without processing. Forms that are handwritted, typed or altered will be returned to the sender without processing. Submit only one claim form for each claim filed, filing duplicates will cause delays in claim processing. All claim forms submitted to the Commission MUST be signed personally by the injured worker, by an individual who has the injured worker's legal Power of Attorney or status as their Legal Guardian.