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Archive: 2006

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July 2006 NOTICES



The Commission is deeply saddened to report the passing of Commissioner A. Frank Carven, III. 

In respect, all dockets scheduled for Tuesday, August 1, 2006 are cancelled so that staff & colleagues may attend the memorial services.  Our Baltimore City office will be open, hearings are cancelled.

July 14

Effective July 1, 2006, microfilm cases/viewers are no longer available in our Public Service office.  WCC documents currently available only on microfilm will be committed to our digital document system for access via WFMS or onsite viewing only upon request: via email to [email protected], via written request to the Public Service Supervisor at our mailing address (link), in person at the Public Service office during normal business hours or by telephone to our Public Service office (410-864-5212).

All requests must specify the claimant name & WCC Claim number or Social Security number and if particular documents in the claim or its entirety are requested to be committed to the digital document system for access.  Requested documents will be processed and made available as soon as possible, normally within 72 (business) hours dependent on page volume.  Authorized subscribers will have access to the document images via WFMS Online Services.

Note: this is not a change in policy to request document copies.  Current policy for requesting document copies can be obtained by contacting the Public Service office via the means above.  Email requests for document copies cannot be accepted.  NOTE:  anyone NOT a party to a claim who is seeking historical medical information must submit the MD WCC "Authorization for Release for Medical Information, A-25" (posted to our Forms page) signed by the claimant with any request involving documents that may contain medical information.

July 13

The Commission's data network will be offline Wednesday, July 19, 2006; 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. for required network upgrades and maintenance. Our web page, online services, email and onsite Public Services will be unavailable during this period.  We apologize for the inconvenience and urge all to plan accordingly.

July 12

On June 8, 2006 the Commission adopted amendments to regulation .27 under COMAR 14.09.01 (Interpreters).  The new regulations became effective July 3, 2006.  This information was posted to the WCC homepage once adopted.

Changes to the regulation include renaming the Limited English Proficiency Program (LEP) to the Interpreter Program Office; establishing timelines and procedures when requesting interpreter services for witnesses at hearings; and outlining payment responsibility for attorneys who continue, cancel or postpone hearings without providing the Interpreter Program Office timely notice of cancellation.

The new regulation requires that parties contact the Commission's Interpreter Program Office to secure a reservation number for an interpreter.  If an attorney in a case seeks to continue, cancel, postpone, or settle a case, he or she must inform the Commission's Interpreter Program Office at least two (2) days prior to the hearing to avoid a possible assessment of the minimum interpreter fee. Any questions regarding procedures should be directed to Regina Brown, Director - Support Services at 410-864-5327.

Don't forget to join the Maryland Workers' Compensation Commission as we host the 58th Annual SAWCA Conference in Baltimore,  July 16th - 19th at the Hyatt Regency Inner Harbor.

National speakers will discuss current trends and important issues impacting workers' compensation. Keynote speaker, Dr. Roger Merrill, Chief Medical Director for Perdue Farms, Inc. will present an innovative approach to overall health, both on and off the job- focusing on the health and wellness of employees and their families.   Attend the entire conference or escape to an afternoon of golf benefiting the Kids Chance Scholarship Fund, we're sure you'll enjoy the activities planned.

Conference details and registration can be found on the SAWCA website at