January 24 | On December 11, 2003, the Workers' Compensation Commission proposed amendments to Regulations .06-.29 under COMAR 14.09.01 (Procedural Regulations)and .01-.11 under COMAR 14.09.02 (Governmental Group Self Insurance). This action was taken at a public meeting, notice of which was given by publication pursuant to State Government Article 10-506, Annotated Code of Maryland. Proposed Regulations were posted in the 1/23/04 issue of the MD Register. The proposed changes can be found at the following URL:
https://www.wcc.state.md.us/Adjud_Claims/Reg_Changes.html On November 13, 2003, the Workers' Compensation Commission proposed Regulations .01-.12 under COMAR 14.09.10 (Individual Employer Self Insurer). This action was taken at a public meeting, notice of which was given by publication pursuant to State Government Article 10-506, Annotated Code of Maryland. Details and links may be found in the Adjudication/Claims menu > Regulatory Changes at the left on this page. |