April 28 | PLEASE NOTE: FORM (A-25) Authorization For Release of Medical Information has been updated by the Commission and is posted in Adjudication/Claims > WCC Forms . This form is in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accessibility Act. Please discard any obsolete forms in your possession. | April 20 | Three cases are posted to Workers' Compensation in the
Courts of Appeals. | April 16 | On February 12, 2004, the Workers' Compensation Commission proposed amendments to Regulation .01 under COMAR 14.09.03 (Guide of Medical and Surgical Fees). This action was taken at a public meeting, notice of which was given by publication pursuant to State Government Article 10-506, Annotated Code of Maryland. The proposed amendments are posted in the 4/16/04 issue of the Maryland Register. Final action on these proposed changes will be taken at a public meeting on June 10, 2004 at 9:00 AM in Courtroom 447 at the Workers' Compensation Commission, 10 East Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD. Public comments will be accepted at the June 10, 2004 public meeting.
PDF Copy of the proposed Regulatory Changes and additional information are posted in
Adjudication/Claims > Regulatory Changes. | April 13 | The Commission is deeply saddened to announce the passing of Ms. Peggy Short on April 10,2004. Ms. Short came to the Commission from the Department of Transportation in the early 1980's. She was the Director of Information Technology and implemented the agency's first computer system. She also helped plan and manage the registration for the annual MWCEA convention in Ocean City for a number of years. Ms. Short became the Director of Administration of the Workers' Compensation Commission and held that position for a few years prior to the onset of her illness. She retired in 1999 and moved to Florida to be with family. The Commission's condolences go out to her family and friends. | April 12 | NOTE: OPENING CHANGED TO June 9, 2004. Cambridge Regional Hearing Site opens May 2004 The Commission is proud to announce the opening of its new Eastern Maryland Regional Hearing Site in Cambridge, Maryland. Beginning May 24, 2004, the Commission will no longer be utilizing the location at the Holiday Inn Express in Cambridge. The address of the new site is 828 Airpax Road, Suite 400 Cambridge, MD 21613.
A map and directions are posted HERE. Please note our regional hearing sites do not open until 9:00 a.m. | April 7 | NOTICE OF INTERPRETER (LEP) PROGRAM CHANGE Beginning April 26, 2004, hearings requiring the services of an interpreter will be rescheduled to approximately 15 days after the originally scheduled date. Once a request for an interpreter is received, the Commission will issue a new hearing notice to the parties involved. Requesters should continue to contact the Commission using the Limited English Proficiency Help line: (410) 864-5299 or email: [email protected] . | April 5 | Effective immediately, use the new forms posted to change an address for the following entities: ATTORNEY: If your registered business address changes, complete and submit an Attorney Registration form. This form will change your address in all cases in which you have entered your appearance. CLAIMANT: Claimant Request for Change of Address, form H31 R (3/22/04) must be completed and mailed to the Commission. This form is to be completed by the claimant or the claimant's attorney ONLY.
EMPLOYER, INSURER OR SELF INSURED EMPLOYER: NEW Employer/Insurer Request for Change of Address, form H22 R (3/22/04) must be completed and mailed to the Commission. Please make sure to check the appropriate box identifying the party whose address is changing. NOTE: This request will apply to all claims showing the prior address and deals only with the claims process aspect.
These new and revised forms are located in Claims/Adjudication > WCC Forms & Instructions at left or
CLICK HERE. These forms are located at the bottom of the Forms listing. |