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The Workers' Compensation Commission is closed Friday, July 4, 2008 in observance of Independence Day. | | July 17 | IVR: The Commission's telephone-based Interactive Voice Response system (IVR) will be unavailable beginning 3:00 p.m. on Monday, July 21, 2008 for maintenance and upgrades. The outage will be approximately four (4) hours. We apologize for the inconvenience and urge all to plan accordingly. | Notices: The Workers' Compensation Commission is converting all forms and Notices to computer self-printed format. This conversion provides significant improvements in our current processes. Once implemented we will no longer generate notices or forms on colored, NCR or pre-printed paper stock. Effective Thursday, July 17, 2008, the MD WCC form Notification to Employer for Insurance Information (C-17) is printed on plain white paper. | July 9 | COLA 2009: Section 9-638 of the Labor and Employment Article provides for an annual cost of living adjustment (COLA) for compensation paid under Subtitle V to covered employees with a permanent total disability. The COLA provision became effective January 1, 1988 and is only payable for an accidental injury or occupational disease sustained on or after January 1, 1988.
The cost of living adjustment effective on January 1, 2009 is 2.8%. This information and other workers' compensation rates is posted to our
Workers' Compensation Rates page. | July 8 | WFMS WebForms Procedures: As part of our continuing WFMS Online Services information security initiative the "dual-data input" security requirement utilized by all subscribers for claim search and document viewing will be implemented for our online WebForms. To launch a WebForm with the new interface, every subscriber is required to provide the claimant's last name and their WCC Claim Number, Social Security number OR Date of Birth. Additional information and an image of the new interface can be found on the
WebForm Instructions Page.
Please also remember to utilize the "wildcard" (smi*) method provided in the February 2008 implementation of dual-data when inputting last (sur)name for all Online Services claim functions. |
Workers' Compensation Appeals is updated. | July 1 | Workers' Compensation Rates: Effective July 1, 2008, the mileage reimbursement rate is 58.5 for related travel incurred on or after 07/01/08. This information appears on our
Workers' Compensation Rates page. | New Form - Claim for Funeral Benefits Only WCC C-19 Beginning July 15, 2008 and pursuant to COMAR, new WCC Form C-19 "Claim for Funeral Benefits Only" is to be utilized for the purpose of making a claim for funeral benefits under Labor and Employment Article, 9-684, when the deceased employee has no dependents. Prior to statutory and regulatory amendments in late 2007, the multi-part WCC Form C-35 "Dependent's Claim ' Death Case" was also used to assert claims under 9-684. The Commission will no longer accept any Form C-35 with a revision date prior to October, 2007. The form will be posted to our
FORMS & INSTRUCTIONS page on Monday, July 7, 2008. |
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