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Archive: 2007

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November 2007 NOTICES



The Commission is closed Thursday & Friday, November 22-23, 2007 in observance of Thanksgiving. 
No telephone or email support is available.  We will open for business at 8 a.m. on Monday, November 26, 2007.

See our Inclement Weather Policy for information on cancellations at WCC hearing sites.
November 30THE REVISED MD WCC EMPLOYER'S POSTING NOTICE, C-24 - (Version 11/2007) English/Spanish PDF for printing via Adobe  Reader, 2.4 MB is available for download and printing.  This version corrects specific alphabetic omissions in the Spanish text.
The MD WCC Employers' Posting Notice is 8.5" X 14" and MUST be printed on 8.5" X 14" (legal size) goldenrod or yellow paper.  Laser printer or clear photocopier versions are recommended for printed durability and legibility.  Default resolution for this printing is 600 dpi (dots per inch).  The statutory requirement is "as provided by the MD WCC", hence reduced size or otherwise altered reproductions from the original/default specifications will not constitute statutory compliance.  The Notice is to be posted in a conspicuous location at each worksite and must include the complete employer/insurer information in the lower left corner where indicated.
Download the Notice from the Forms & Instructions page.
November 5Pursuant to State Government 10-111(b), the Workers' Compensation Commission has adopted emergency regulations (Requirements for Filing and Amending Claims) & (Claims'Special Requirements) with the approval of the AELR Committee (Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive, and Legislative Review) . The emergency regulation is effective November 5, 2007 and will expire May 3, 2008. The Commission will be taking steps to file permanent regulations.  Text of the emergency regulations can be found on our Regulatory Changes page The PDF version is available, the Maryland Register link is not yet available.
The WFMS Online Services Attorney Proxy WebForms Service is now available.  Please see below for details and informational links.
November 2

In our continuing efforts to maximize and streamline our services offered via WFMS Online Services, we have completed programming to provide to an authorized Attorney Proxy the ability to file appropriate MD WCC forms on their Attorney's behalf. The options and requirements for the forms are the same as those provided the subscribed Attorney, however the WebForm signature will contain three (3) lines, indicating the subscriber, their email address and the Attorney who has authorized the Attorney Proxy as the filing party ("on behalf of..."). The signature is similar to that featured in WebForms filed by an authorized Insurer (where the third line would indicate the Insurer or self-insured employer name). A sample form and highlighted example will be posted to the Attorney Proxy Requirements page on our web - .

When this service is available (on or about Monday, November 5, 2007), notice will be sent via email to all active Attorney and Attorney Proxy subscribers. Any questions about the new services may be sent to us via this link - [email protected].

Subscribed Attorneys - Our electronic notices [eNotice] service (see - ) provides same/next day email notification of many MD WCC Notices in your claims. The Notice description, claim number and other relevant details are sent to your registered email address; you can view the Notice online immediately on receipt of the eNotice.