In our continuing efforts to maximize and streamline our services offered via WFMS Online Services, we have completed programming to provide to an authorized Attorney Proxy the ability to file appropriate MD WCC forms on their Attorney's behalf. The options and requirements for the forms are the same as those provided the subscribed Attorney, however the WebForm signature will contain three (3) lines, indicating the subscriber, their email address and the Attorney who has authorized the Attorney Proxy as the filing party ("on behalf of..."). The signature is similar to that featured in WebForms filed by an authorized Insurer (where the third line would indicate the Insurer or self-insured employer name). A sample form and highlighted example will be posted to the Attorney Proxy Requirements page on our web -
. When this service is available (on or about Monday, November 5, 2007), notice will be sent via email to all active Attorney and Attorney Proxy subscribers. Any questions about the new services may be sent to us via this link - [email protected]. Subscribed Attorneys - Our electronic notices [eNotice] service (see -
) provides same/next day email notification of many MD WCC Notices in your claims. The Notice description, claim number and other relevant details are sent to your registered email address; you can view the Notice online immediately on receipt of the eNotice. |