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Every Attorney Proxy applicant must complete the Attorney Proxy Online Application. Every subscription requires a 'unique' email address (used only by the subscriber, not a corporate group or firm) that MUST be accessible to receipt of emails from WFMS Websupport ([email protected]).

An individual cannot be selected as a Proxy by a subscribed Attorney until they submit the application.

The Attorney Proxy has NO access until the subscribed Attorney authorizes them by entering the Attorney Proxy subscriber's  email address (in the space indicated) on the Attorney's Proxy List page.  After submission (via the Submit button on the page), the Attorney Proxy will be visible in the list.  If the Attorney Proxy is not subscribed, an error message will indicate that they cannot be found.

The Attorney Proxy DOES NOT use the Attorney's credentials to access Online Services.

  • Password resets via the automated password reset adjacent the log-in window are available to subscribers who are Active or Suspended.  The reset information is emailed to your registered email address (there is no option to send this information to an email address unknown to Online Services).  If your status is Revoked or you did not maintain your contact information to include a current email address, please contact WFMS Websupport with complete details of your problem via email to [email protected].

WebForms Service for Attorney Proxy:

  • Instructions for our web forms are posted here.

  • Attorney Proxy subscribers have the same access to claim information and documents as their authorizing Attorney and may submit appropriate online WebForms on their behalf.

  • The Attorney Proxy MUST select the subscribed Attorney from their Proxy Select list to properly file online forms with the correct signature.  The Proxy Select also conveys the Attorney document access rights and privileges based on this selection.  If no Attorney is selected, document access is limited and an error message will be displayed when trying to file a form.  A sample form and the signature format is shown to the right.

  • Attorney Proxy subscribers MAY NOT use another subscriber's (their Attorney's) credentials to access Online Services.  No subscriber may request service for another subscriber.

  • The posted Online Terms of Service agreement outlines acceptable and prohibited activity and may be changed/ updated at any time as needed.


Subscribed Attorneys are responsible for all WFMS activity conducted via their Attorney Proxy and are subject to revocation if the Proxy's activities are in violation of the Terms of Service.  ALL subscribers must read the 'Terms of Service" and supporting documentation provided in the WFMS Subscriber Services menu. 

Violation of the stated Terms of Service is grounds for revocation of access for any subscriber.
Attorneys are responsible for adding and/or deleting their Attorney Proxy authorizations.  If a proxy leaves the attorney's employ, the attorney must delete them from their Proxy List.  This effectively removes their WFMS Online Services access.  The Proxy subscription is not deleted, the legal staff person may update their Contact Information before access is removed or upon their selection by another subscribed attorney.

Image of sampe form with Attorney Proxy Signature