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January 2003 Notices


The Workers' Compensation Commission and State offices are closed on Monday, January 20, 2003
in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

January 10

We are deeply saddened to announce to the compensation community the passing of Earl T. Simmons, Jr.  Earl was employed as a Supply Officer at the Commission since July 9, 1990.  He accepted a disability retirement in July 1, 2001 and passed away on November 16, 2002.  During Earl's time at the Commission, he made numerous friends and acquaintances.  He will remain very much alive in our memory.

The February 2003 Commission (Open) Meeting will be Thursday, February 13, 2003.  All Commission(Open) Meetings are held at the Workers' Compensation Commission,10 East Baltimore Street, 7th Floor Executive Conference Room,Baltimore, Maryland  21202 at 9:00 a.m. unless otherwise noted.  The full list of scheduled meeting dates can be found in Schedules: Hearings/Meetings in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.