| | | December 2003 | New COMAR Regulations, Workers' Compensation Appeals is updated, The Commission is CLOSED 12/25-26, 2003 and 1/01 2004, Ms. Virginia Barnes deceased, Commission dockets are cancelled due to inclement weather 12/05/03. | November 2003 | The Commission is closed 11/27 & 11/28/03 for Thanksgiving weekend, The Commission will be offline Saturday/Sunday, November 14-15th, The Commission web will be offline for update on Monday, November 10th; The Commission is closed on Tuesday, November 11th in observance of Veterans' Day, Workers' Compensation Appeals is updated. | October 2003 | Abingdon/Northeast Regional Hearing Site issues, Workers' Compensation Appeals is updated, Southern Maryland Regional Site opens October 15th, The WCC joins "networkMaryland" for public sector broadband Internet. | September 2003 | Southern Maryland Regional Site to open October 15th, Commission operations and hearings 9/18/03 and 9/19/03 are affected by hurricane Isabel, Workers' Compensation Appeals is updated, POLICY CHANGE: "COUNSEL OF RECORD", AUTO ENTRY OF APPEARANCE VIA EMPLOYEE CLAIM FORM, WFMS Online Services Updates & Information is updated. | August 2003 | The Commission is CLOSED for Labor Day, Revised WCC forms, POLICY ON CANCELLATION OF INTERPRETER, Medical Fee Guide Revision Committee meetings resume & minutes updated, WCC is pleased to announce the appointment of Mary Ahearn as the Director of Administration, NEW & REVISED FORMS: Request to Enter Appearance, Request to Enter Appearance for Employer/Insurer, Request to Strike Appearance, Request for Action on Filed Issues, Guide Form for Proposed Final Compromise & Settlement Agreement. POLICY CHANGE: "COUNSEL OF RECORD", AUTO ENTRY OF APPEARANCE VIA EMPLOYEE CLAIM FORM. Effective August 18, 2003- UEF Assessments increase 1%. | July 2003 | The Guide Form for Proposed Final Compromise & Settlement Agreement is revised, Regulation .25 under COMAR 14.09.01 (Procedural Regulations) and Regulations .01 through .06 under COMAR 14.09.08 (Open Meetings) effective August 18, 2003, The MD WCC Settlement Affidavit is revised, the COLA for calendar year 2004 is posted, NO CHANGE in mileage reimbursement rates for FY 2004, Wednesday, July 16th meeting to discuss the WCC Medical Fee Guide, Update: Workers' Compensation Appeals. | June 2003 | July 1, 2003 Public Meeting rescheduled to July 24, 2003; ONLINE Filing of the Employer's First Report of Injury is available, Workers' Compensation Appeals updated: Accidental Injury, REMINDER: WCC Policy on Settlement prior to scheduled hearing, CHANGE IN POLICY: Baltimore City Hearings/Dockets Inclement Weather policy. | May 2003 | A new REQUIRED (effective on July 1, 2003) Form - 'Settlement Affidavit' is posted. Workers' Compensation Appeals updated. | April 2003 | Workers' Compensation Appeals has been updated, Abingdon (Northeast) Regional Hearing Site opens, POLICY CHANGE REGARDING FAX DOCUMENTS, REMINDER: REGULATORY CHANGE- ATTORNEY FEE. | March 2003 | The Commission announces the April opening of the new Abingdon Northeastern Regional Hearing Site, New MCRSP Training Schedule is posted in VocRehab, Former WCC Insurance Division Director, Diana Farrell Tribute. NEW POLICIES & REGULATIONS: Effective at the close of business on Friday, March 28, 2003, the Maryland Workers' Compensation Commission will no longer receive documents for filling via facsimile. Regulatory Change ' Attorney Fees, Improper use of WCC Subpoenas, District/Circuit Court Subpoenas for Medical Records, Continuances requested on grounds of Settlement has been Reached, WC in Courts of Appeals updated. | February 2003 | Cancelled hearings are continued - March Aberdeen dockets in three locations - Hearings cancelled due to historic snowfall - Medical Fee Guide Revision Committee announces contract award - New web content: MD WCC Annual Report for FY 2002, Claim for Medical Services form C-51, new WCC Certified Rehab Providers listing and Claim Flow Diagram added as Adobe Acrobat documents - WFMS services updates and additional subscriber instructions posted - The Commission is closed Monday, February 17, 2003 in observance of Presidents' Day. | January 2003 | February 2003 Commission (Open) Meeting and for calendar 2003 are posted, Earl Simmons - WCC supply officer tribute, the Commission is closed Monday, January 20, 2003 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. |
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