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Attorney Electronic Notices Suspended Account or Password Problem? Sharing Online Services? NO!

  Attorney and Proxy Requirements

WebForm Instructions Page How to update your email address or other Contact Information (REQUIRED)
If you cannot find a solution to your problem from the subjects linked above or those listed below, please contact us via email: [email protected].   WCC Public Service and other administrative staff do not provide technical support for our Online Services.

Current version Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge are best for WFMS Online Services.  The WCC domain ( and WFMS domain ( should be enabled for pop-ups and added to "trusted" sites In IE 11.x.  JavaScript must be enabled in your browser.

Recommended web browsers and issues:

  • Google Chrome, MS Edge (chromium) -  Best options. Be sure they are up to date.

  • Firefox - Generally compliant  Add-ons, especially security tools, can affect functionality.  Be sure it is up to date.

  • Formatta Filler WebForms:   You must use your cursor to select the Submit button on Formatta web forms to submit and use your cursor to select the Sign link in the signature dialog instead of using the keyboard Enter button.

  •  WebForms software (Formatta Filler) is available only for Windows operating systems.

  • Subscribers implementing domain SPAM filtering solutions must also add the WCC domain (* for acceptance of email notices and password resets, as returned or blocked emails result in revocation of WFMS access.

Document views are downloaded as a PDF file; most contemporary web browsers support viewing PDF in the browser.  You can save as, print or otherwise manage as any PDF you download to your PC.

Google Chrome - after selecting the download from the pop-up, the file will appear in the lower left corner.  Select the arrow and Open.  The document will open in a new browser tab or window.  Select "Always Open..." if prompted to avoid this repeatedly.

Edge (chromium) -  after selecting the download from the pop-up, the document will open in a new browser tab or window.

Firefox - Select Open or Save from the pop-up, the document will open in your designated PDF viewer or if none is specified in your browser settings, it will display in a new tab.

  •  The claimant's Social Security number (SSN, last four digits) is REQUIRED to View Claim Documents by non-parties and to use the First Report of Injury search (available to some subscribers).  This affects only document viewing services; Claim Inquiry, File Forms, Hearing Issues, Hearing Results, Award Inquiry, etc. are unchanged. The Public Claim Data Inquiry function on our home page is not impacted.

    • The SSN entered MUST BE VALID, as an example, entering 0000 or 9999 will not grant access to view documents in the WFMS system, no wildcard option can be used in the SSN field.

    • The injured worker is not required to provide a valid Social Security number on the Employee Claim form.

  • Research on (prior or other) claims not accessible due to these changes may be facilitated by visiting Public Service at our main office in Baltimore City during normal business hours. Their email address is: [email protected]

  • All other WFMS Online Services inquiries and searches require that two identifying elements are provided in the listed input fields.  The available choices are: WCC Claim Number, Social Security number, date of birth (MM/DD/YYYY format) and surname.

    • The claimant last name or surname input may be entered as a "wildcard" search; please enter ONLY the first two (2) letters of the last name.  Remember that you are searching through structured information and your search must match our data to provide a successful result.

    • In claims where no Social Security number (SSN) exists (the claimant does not possess or did not provide this information) you are required to provide information for two of the remaining three (3) data fields.  When no SSN is provided for the claim it is not available as an element for search.

  • WFMS Online Services subscribed ATTORNEYS:  The information entered in your Online Services User Profile is your contact information in the WCC MasterFile for all Commission contact and official mailings.  Subscribed ATTORNEYS will update their mailing address and other contact information on their User Profile page; no printed form is required for subscribed ATTORNEYS. Attorneys who are not subscribers will continue to use the paper Attorney Registration/Information Change form.  Subscribers who are not attorneys, such as Employers or Insurers cannot change their mailing information via Online Services but must continue to use the forms defined for them.
    More information is here.

  • When reporting any problem to WFMS Websupport ( [email protected] ) always provide complete information: the WCC Claim number, specific error message received, approximate time the error occurred, description of what happens instead of the expected, the form name, document name/date that you want to view, etc.  This will provide support staff with enough information to research and/or duplicate the error and will expedite the resolution.

INSTRUCTIONS/POLICY for Password Reset & Suspended Subscription

Please use the automated lost/forgotten password reset feature adjacent the WFMS login button if your account is suspended or active and you need a password reset.  The service will send a single use password to your registered email address automatically.  The service will not function if your status is pending, revoked or denied.  The service will not function if your registered email address is not accessible to you; you cannot change your email address or otherwise service your subscription via the automated password reset.
  • After resetting and saving your password on your Use Profile page, you must log out, then in again to be prompted to save the new password to your web browser's autofill.

  • Five (5) failed log-in attempts = wrong password or password entered incorrectly [Input error is the sole cause of password failure], result in suspension of WFMS access.

  • Once suspended, you must use the Lost/Forgotten Password feature on the WFMS Login page or contact Websupport via email only: [email protected] from your registered email address.   All requests for subscriber service must originate from the registered email address.

  • Websupport will not contact subscribers to maintain their account once suspended or revoked. 

  • For security purposes, WFMS access will be revoked for failure to reset your password or contact Websupport within 30 days of suspension.

  • If/when a subscriber requires service to their subscription for access to Online Services, the email request sent to Websupport must identify the subscriber by name and request the service requested clearly and plainly in the body text of the email.

The User Profile page is where you can change your password (every 90 days) or make changes to contact information (available for most subscribers).  You MUST select CHANGE PASSWORD or CHANGE ADDRESS to use those fields.  You can also view your password by checking the Show Password box (on the User Profile page) when entering a new password.   Attorney Subscribers can select our eNotice service on their profile page.
You must click the Submit button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.
Image of User Profile page and features
  • Passwords are selected by the subscriber at the time of application and expire every 90 days. Subscribers are prompted for a change of password during their next session following the 90-day period.  Access is NOT blocked by this policy, the subscriber is prompted to change the password after login and cannot proceed without the password update.  A new password must be different from previous password(s)

  • Legal staff or assistants may not request WFMS subscription actions or maintenance for their employers.   Attorneys may not request subscriber service for their Attorney Proxy.  No support is accorded the unsubscribed staff or assistant of a subscribed attorney.  Each subscription is individual and is maintained by the individual subscriber only.  You may not share your Online Services subscription with anyone, as specified by the posted Terms of Service agreement.

WFMS security policies protect the rights of the injured worker and prevent their personal financial and medical information from unauthorized access.   Divulging your WFMS credentials endangers the claimant's personal information, not the subscriber's.  Identity theft and other related criminal activities are a fact.  You are required to abide by the posted Terms of Service.

Maintaining User Profile and Updating Contact InformationBACK TO TOP
By the Terms of Service (acknowledged every time you click " I Agree" at login) WFMS Online Services subscribers are required to maintain their "Profile" information, including a current and valid email address.  Websupport does not update your profile information.  Websupport cannot realize a subscriber has changed their email address if not recorded the change in the "Profile "unless email sent to the address is returned or refused.   Subscribers who cannot be contacted via email will be "revoked" from online access for violation of the above requirement, a primary provision of the WFMS Online Services Terms of Service agreement. 

During any WFMS session, simply select the User Profile page from the Menu Bar, enter the new information and "Submit". 
Insurer subscribers must use the Insurer Designee update feature to change any contact information as mandated and specified by COMAR regulation.
WFMS Subscription applications are deleted from the WFMS database 90 days post completing the online application.   Those presenting for verification at the WCC in excess of this time limit can complete the online application while visiting the WCC Public Service area.  Suspended subscriptions left in excess of 30 days without contacting [email protected] from the registered email address are revoked.
General Rules and Policies         


bullet In the event of Internet/email outages, WFMS Websupport will respond to support issues as quickly as possible.  Email is preferred support available for Online Services.  Public Service or other WCC staff are optimal to provide technical support or resolution.  Websupport staff does not provide claim information or claim-administration support and is available only during Commission operating hours as established by COMAR :  8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday via email to [email protected].

bullet Subscribers are permitted only one WFMS account.  If a subscription contains vital informational errors, such as an incorrect email address, that prevent subscriber access to their profile -  please contact [email protected] to notify us of the error and provide the correct information.  This should originate from the email address to be used for WFMS registration.  DO NOT complete multiple erroneous registrations to correct errors.  Other informational user input errors (typos) should be corrected via the subscriber's profile during WFMS sessions, (e.g. wrong WCC attorney code, telephone number, etc.).

bullet WFMS subscriptions are allotted individuals, not firms or companies.  Any subscriber that leaves employ and uses WFMS in their new job duties must UPDATE their subscription profile (email, contact info, etc.).  DO NOT resubscribe.  Attorney accounts are assigned by the WCC Attorney Code (appearance in a claim dictates the level of access) and Attorney Proxy accounts have access only once selected by a subscribed attorney.  LIKEWISE, if an attorney proxy leaves the employ of an attorney or law firm, it is the subscribed attorney's responsibility to delete the departed staff from their proxy list and to have any new designee register for WFMS so they may be selected as a new proxy.  If a subscribed Attorney or Attorney Proxy relocates with to a different law firm, they CANNOT submit a new application for WFMS.

bullet WFMS subscribers who do not abide by the Terms of Service (TOS) Agreement or provided support information may be in direct violation of the TOS.  Those in violation will have access to WFMS suspended or revoked.  Attorney Proxy designees are also affected by their subscribed attorney's loss of WFMS access if revoked for violations of the Terms; there are no exceptions.  Ignorance of the Terms of Service is not a valid excuse for violation as they are noted, accepted and available onscreen at every login.