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CompHub Work Portal

  • CompHub is an Internet-based application offered to our stakeholders (the parties in a workers' compensation claim) to facilitate official and authorized business with the Maryland Workers' Compensation Commission.

  • Eligible subscribers (see below) can file forms, obtain claim information and view appropriate claim documents.  Each service is customized and secured by the subscriber's role, a party or non-party, in a workers' compensation claim. 

  • If you are not eligible to be a subscriber you may still access basic claim information from our Public Claim Data Inquiry search. 

Registration for CompHub is required.  Access to claim-related forms and materials is determined by the subscriber's appearance as a party in a claim.   Every applicant must have a UNIQUE and valid email address, to be used solely by the subscriber.

The posted online Terms of Service agreement outlines acceptable and prohibited activity and may be changed/ updated at any time as needed.

For security purposes all subscriber activity is logged, including IP address; all information transmitted is encrypted. The results of claim information and claim document inquiries are printable from your web browser.  Each subscriber is responsible for the privacy and security of all content once presented on their personal computer or device. 

Access to CompHub is a privilege. Compliance with all terms and policies are required to qualify and maintain active status.  A subscriber MAY NOT under any circumstances share their username or password with anyone.  Sharing or delegating CompHub access is strictly prohibited by the posted Terms of Service  and subjects an offender to any/all stated penalties including, but not limited to, revocation of access.

Subscriber Roles include


Attorney Proxy

Insurer Designee Insurer Delegate
Healthcare Provider Healthcare Provider Delegate


 Employer Delegate


Public access to documents is also available at the WCC Baltimore City Public Service office.  Claim status information may be obtained via telephone via the IVR automated  system or speaking with a Public Service representative during hours. Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., excluding state holidays.

ALL questions about CompHub or subscriptions should be emailed to comphub[email protected].