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We are closed
Thursday, November 11th in observance of Veterans
Day. We closed Thursday, November 25th in
observance of Thanksgiving Day and Friday,
November 26th in observance of American Indian
Heritage Day. |
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Pursuant to the requirements of the Open Meetings Act,
the Commission hereby gives notice that the
Commissioners will hold the Commission meeting scheduled
for November 18, 2021 in the 3rd floor meeting room at
10 E. Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD 21202, starting at
9:30 am. If you would like to attend this meeting,
please send an email to
[email protected] no later than 2:00 pm on
Wednesday, November 17, 2021, to allow time for the
Commission to plan for social distancing for attendees
of the meeting and to provide notice of your planned
attendance to the building security. |
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Updated and New Forms
– In accordance with COMAR, counsel of
record may file a notice of withdrawal of appearance
only if the client has another attorney of record or
the claim has been settled and there is no possibility
of future medical benefits. Form C-25R Notice to
Withdraw Appearance has been updated to clarify the
requirements of COMAR If one of these
requirements is not met, new form C-27 Motion to
Withdraw Appearance must be filed for review and
decision by the Commission. The updated C-25R and new
C-27 forms are available our
Forms & Instructions page; all requests to withdraw
appearance must use either of these two forms for paper
submission until further notice. The Commission has
removed the online C-25R from WFMS. Please begin
using the new forms immediately. |
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Calendar Year 2022 Maximum Rate of Benefits is posted to
Workers' Compensation Rates page as a downloadable
PDF. |
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NOVEMBER 2021: The C-1 Employee Claim Form has been
updated to include space for the claimant’s email
address to be entered as item number 10 in the “Personal
Information” section. The current paper form will be
transitioned to the new form, which will be available
for use on or about November 1, 2021. Claimants and/or
their attorneys may begin using the paper form as soon
as it is available. The
online claim form (link), will not change because
the claimant’s email address is a current entry on this
form. Please prepare to use the new C-1 paper form
exclusively as of November 22, 2021. *Requests for
the form can be placed with our Public Service office:
[email protected] or 410-864-5100, selecting "0"
when prompted. |
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