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March 2021 Notices     Go back to Notices
29 Bevidere Insurance Company

On March 11, 2021, Bevidere Insurance Company (“BIC") was ordered liquidated by the Commonwealth Court in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner Jessica K. Altman and her successors in office, if any, (“Commissioner") are the court-appointed Liquidator(s) of BIC.  Affiliated & Merged Companies: ​Lamorak Insurance Company----formerly known as OneBeacon America Insurance Company, Potomac Insurance Company, and Employers Fire Insurance Company.  

Date of Liquidation: 3/11/2021
Stay: Indefinite Claims Filing Deadline: 12/31/2021
Receiver: Pennsylvania

For more informationsee:
26 Pursuant to the authority granted by COMAR 14.09.17, on 3/25/2021, Chairman Aumann issued Administrative Order 2021-01 regarding rescinding of Administrative Order 2020-02.    Read the Administrative Order 2021-01.
23 Revised WCC Subpoena Form – This form is revised and updated and available as a fillable PDF form on the Forms and Instructions page.  The form has been revised to update the format.  Please review and read the form and instructions carefully before using this form; please begin using the new form immediately.   Note that the Commission does not accept form filing via email/attachment or fax. 
  Notice: Pursuant to the requirements of the Open Meetings Act,  the Commission hereby gives notice that the Commissioners will hold the Commissioners' meeting scheduled for March 25, 2021 in the 3rd floor meeting room at 10 E. Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD 21202, starting at 9:30 am. If you would like to attend this meeting, please send an email to [email protected] no later than 2:00 pm on Wednesday, March 24, 2021, to allow time for the Commission to plan for social distancing for attendees of the meeting and to provide notice of your planned attendance to the building security.  Thank you.  

Pursuant to Open Meeting requirements, we announce that the Commissioners will telephonically hold the Commission meeting scheduled for March 11, 2021 starting at 9:30 am. If you would like to observe the meeting, please dial 978-990-5027 and at the prompt, enter 6843748 plus the pound sign. If you plan to attend this meeting, please send an email to [email protected]. If you are a guest on the call, please do not announce yourself; ESPECIALLY if you enter after 9:30 am.