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We are closed
Thursday-Friday, July 4-5 in observance of
Independence Day. |
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The Commission
announces the upcoming retirement of Commissioner Lauren
Godwin effective 7/1/19. Commissioner Godwin
has been serving on the Commission since 1996 and is its
longest-serving Commissioner! Commissioner Godwin has
been a regular speaker at conferences and events, a
frequent shepherd of process improvements at the
Commission, and was admitted as a Fellow to the College
of Workers' Compensation Lawyers, established to honor
those attorneys who have distinguished themselves in the
field of workers' compensation. Commissioner Godwin has
also been selected by the MWCEA to receive the 2019
Alfred M. Porth Memorial Award, created to recognize the
outstanding commitment to the fair and honest
administration of the Maryland Workers’ Compensation
system. Congratulations to Commissioner Godwin on her
many achievements and outstanding service to the
citizens of Maryland. |
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The Commission is
pleased to announce that Governor Lawrence J. Hogan, Jr.
has appointed Ju Y. Oh to the Maryland Workers’
Compensation Commission effective 7/1/19. Ju
Y. Oh is a Partner at Humphreys, McLaughlin & McAleer,
LLC. She represents employers, insurers and
policyholders before all levels of the Maryland judicial
system, including the Maryland Workers’ Compensation
Commission. Ms. Oh also represents clients before the
District of Columbia Office of Workers’ Compensation.
She has been a practicing member of the Maryland State
Bar since 2004, and received her J.D. from the
University of Baltimore School of Law in 2004. |
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Reminders to Attorneys
Interpreter Services
Pursuant to COMAR, Attorneys are required
to notify the Commission if interpreter services are no
longer required. Failure to cancel the service less than
2 days prior to the hearing may result in an assessment
of fines/penalties.
Settlements When
submitting a Settlement Agreement to the Commission and
the Settlement includes a party that is not currently in
the case, a Request to Implead a Party form (H33R) must
be completed and filed before or with the settlement
paperwork. Any other corrections must be addressed using
the Request for Document Correction form (C90R). |
Reminder to Insurers
Pursuant to COMAR and (F), all insurers are required to
register with the Commission the name, address,
telephone number and email address of a designated
in-state representative and must notify the Commission
immediately if any information changes.
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