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Carrier Insolvency -
CastlePoint National Insurance Company in Conservation
On July 28, 2016, the Superior Court of the City and
County of San Francisco entered an Order Appointing
Conservator, in the case entitled Insurance Commissioner
of the State of California v. CastlePoint National
Insurance Company, Case No. CPF-16-515183 ("Conservation
Order"). Pursuant to the Conservation Order, the
California Insurance Commissioner has been appointed as
the statutory Conservator of CastlePoint National
Insurance Company ("CastlePoint"). The Conservation
Order authorizes and empowers the Commissioner, through
his Conservation & Liquidation Office, to conserve
CastlePoint and its assets for the benefit of
CastlePoint's claimants, creditors and shareholders, as
provided in Sections 1010 through 1062 of the Insurance
Code of the State of California.
See more detail on the Insolvent Carriers page. |
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The Negligence, Insurance and Workers’ Compensation
Section of the Maryland State Bar Association will be
presenting a program on the UEF and SIF at the MD
Workers’ Compensation Commission, 3rd floor meeting
space, on Monday, March 20, 2017 at 4:30 pm. The program
will include a panel discussion, including tips on how
to present a case involving the UEF and/or SIF. The
Speakers are Scott Massengill, Principal Counsel, UEF;
Terrance Doyle, Assistant Attorney General, SIF. The
panel will include Chairman R. Karl Aumann, Commissioner
Delia Turano Schadt, Commissioner Jeffrey T. Weinberg
and Commissioner Patricia Adams with Moderators Mitchel
M. Gordon, Esq. and Joan P. Adelman, Esq. |
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Reminder to
Practitioners: Do not use color paper when
sending/submitting documents to the Commission.
This includes exhibits submitted at the hearing. Color
paper does not work well with our scanning process and
may render the document unreadable when converted to
electronic format. Thank you for your cooperation. |
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