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NOTICES ARCHIVE: Calendar Year 2000 and prior

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December 2000

THE MOVE: Under way.  Subpoena Forms update.  Move related problems: network, telephone, Public Service Area.

November 2000

THE MOVE: It's on for December 1, 2000....
Hearing Sites consolidation: Dorchester, Wicomico, Caroline, Queen Anne's, Worcester & Somerset counties: Cambridge- Charles, Calvert & Saint Mary's counties: Waldorf.  Attorney Registration approaches 50% compliance, 100% is mandated.  THE MOVE: a brief.  Centreville hearing relocated to Cambridge due to renovations.

October 2000

Chinese Delegation visits the Commission, Centreville Hearing Site is located to the Days Inn, Easton for October & November, Towson uses three hearing sites (M-W-Fr) beginning November 2000, Microfilm Library will close prior to MD WCC move and reopen after the MOVE

September 2000

WCC Registers ALL attorneys practicing before the Commission: mailing, Web, MWCEA Conference & Daily Record Ad are placed to notify ALL

August 2000

New Subpoena Forms & Procedures (effective immediately)

July 2000

NO Air Conditioning moves Balto City Hearings 7/31/2000,Moving Prep impacts Baltimore City Hearings start times, WCC COPYING PRICE INCREASED TO $0.50 per page, NEW FORMS NOT TO BE USED, yet.......NEW FORMS & FORMS CHANGES CRITICAL UPDATES Effective 9/01/2000, Effective July 7th, some hearings in Baltimore City will be reassigned to alternate Hearing Rooms at 6 N. Liberty Street.,  07/06 PDN (Public Data Network) unavailable... 07/07 PDN Available, NEW PDN GUI (Graphic User Interface Win 95/98) shipping SOON!

May 2000

New Forms added, Data Processing Operations Tech III position available

April 2000

NEW! Download WCC Forms added,  Policy on Advances

March 2000

New DOWNLOADABLE FORMS begin to arrive, Medical Fee Guide Committee meets Wed., March 15th, "Travel Along" files no longer honored, Section 9-728 reminder, Baltimore City offices closed for 3 days

February 2000

New DOWNLOADABLE FORMS begin to arrive, Medical Fee Guide Committee meets Wed., March 15th, "Travel Along" files no longer honored, Section 9-728 reminder, Baltimore City offices closed for 3 days

February 2000

Web page additions, REVISED Employee Claim Form instructions, Medical Fee Guide Committee Meeting 2/16/2000

 January 2000

Emergency Hearings Forms, Emergency Hearing Postponements, New Hearing Site, Inclement Weather Notes

COMPLink Newsletter Spring/Summer 2000

COMPLink Newsletter FALL 1999